Why You Should Learn to Change Your Own Diaper First

treat yo self mom prep approaching motherhood

One of the strengths of being a woman is being able to tune into the needs and feelings of others.

However, sometimes it makes it harder to tune to our needs and feelings. 

When you become a mom, the pull to take care of everyone else first is pretty intense. 

You'll jump to change their diaper, feed them when they get hangry, get the crusties out of their eyes, find their favorite lovie before they even ask for it, and pack extra wipes to clean their hands. 

But what about you? How do you take care of you? 

Do you know what your favorite lovie is? Do you know how to make yourself laugh? Do you take time pack yourself a snack? Do you know what to do when you are cranky with a poopy diaper?

If you already know how to take care of yourself and practice self-care before you have kids, you will be ahead of the game. 

How to take care of yourself:

  • Listen to what you need/want

    • Listen to your body

    • Listen to your mind

    • Listen to your intuition 

  • Give yourself permission to take care of yourself

  • Set boundaries with others so you can tend to yourself

  • Budget your true needs in

  • Say yes

  • Say no

  • Focus on putting yourself in a good mood

  • Invest in your personal and career development

  • Do fun things you love

  • See a therapist/mentor/personal development group

  • Treat yo self!

Time to treat yo self!

So take the last bite, stay on the couch, tell someone what you want, or dig out those unused gift cards and treat yo self.



If you want to learn more about how to prepare for motherhood, you can follow our blog. Take our online workshop. Try one of our free quizzes. Sign up for our newsletter. Or follow us on social media @approachingmotherhood 

Approaching Motherhood is an organization dedicated to empowering women to have a full, happy, motherhood experience. We help provide you with a strategy and a set of tools that will put you on the path to modern motherhood that will leave you feeling competent, empowered, and successful in the next stage of life.

Posted on March 27, 2015 .